Flowers and Thorns.

27 10 2010

A rose though beautiful
cannot stop an iron heel
Though the woods are fairer
Well after they have flowered

I asked the rose to forgive me
if I had stepped upon it.
Then came to me the reply:
The thorns will teach you not to do it twice.

How can I feel the thorns
if I wear these iron boots?
But the boots protect my feet
and keep them free of stones.

Listen to the flower–
it shall teach you how to walk:
both with your feet unshod
and your blood near the top

This white rose may run red
flowing with my blood-
But at the end of it all
I may learn to watch my step.

{Christian Kane}



5 responses

4 11 2010

your blog is cute,
keep up the excellence on poetry.

4 11 2010

Thursday Poets Rally Week 32 (November 4-10)

you are represented as fresh poets to explore at our Poets Rally week 32.
I invite you to become a participant, which helps you get poetry awards upon making a minimum 18 comments to participants.
Thanks for the considerations. Link in a poem via commenting under the post when you are ready.
Happy Thursday!

8 11 2010
Jamie Dedes

Excellent. Lessons from nature and circumstance. And don’t let’s put up barriers. Nice job.

8 11 2010

Thank you… I enjoy this kind of tension, so I end up writing about it a lot.

20 11 2010

I would love to have you in poets rally week 33.
let me know by leaving a link under my post.
Thanks a ton.
You are quite productive.
beautiful poem!

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